Coindre Eva

Coindre Eva

Doctorante Équipe ETAP et AGAP Institut DAAV

Je suis diplômée du master Biologie Agrosciences, spécialité Génétique, génomique et amélioration des plantes de l’Université de Rennes 1 en 2021. J’ai effectué un CDD (2021-2022) à l’INRAe GAFL à Avignon sur l’étude du déterminisme de la floraison tardive chez l’amandier.

Depuis novembre 2022, je suis en thèse dans deux équipes de l’INRAe LEPSE et AGAP Institut DAAV. Le sujet de ma thèse porte sur l’analyse de la variabilité et du déterminisme génétique du fonctionnement hydrique et carboné chez la vigne en situation de déficit hydrique.

Début de la thèse : 01.11.2022

Sujet : "Analysis of the genetic variability and determinism of water functioning and carbon metabolism under soil water deficit in grapevine"

Abstract :

In the context of climate change, with an increase of temperature and a rarefaction of rainfall, the sustainability of grapevine is threatened. Genetic diversity is a potential lever to identify alleles involved in adaptation to abiotic constraints and in turn better adapted varieties. My PhD project aims at understanding the genetic variability and determinism of hydric and carbon functioning at the leaf level in response to water deficit. A diversity panel of 250 genotypes was studied under three hydric condition (Well-Watered, Moderate Water Deficit, Severate Water Deficit) in the PhenoARCH platform in 2022 in order to evaluate the response of grapevine to water deficit for multiple traits. Some were simple to acquire such as SPAD data (correlated with chlorophyll content), Water Content (WC) and Leaf Mass Area (LMA). Looking at the row data distributions, we can already see variability for these traits and a difference between water conditions. Other traits are destructive or take time to phenotype. To tackle this issue, a subset of 120 plants was chosen to be phenotyped with low throughput devices while the entire panel was phenotyped at high-throughput using NIRs (Near-InfraRed spectroscopy) and a porometer/fluorometer. Prediction models will be built to predict the traits of interest on the whole panel, and study their genetic variability in response to the water scenario applied. The genetic analysis will involve an association study between genotype and phenotype to identify QTLs (Quantitative Traits Loci) involved in water and carbon functioning. The identification of extreme alleles will further be studied in the vineyard in order to validate their effect and potential for grapevine adaptation to water deficit.

Keywords: genome-wide association genetics, ecophysiology, water deficit, high-throughput phenotyping, grapevine


Supervisors :

UMR LEPSE – INRAE : Aude COUPEL-LEDRU (Co-encadrante) et Benoît PALLAS (Co-encadrant)

AGAP Institut DAAVl : Vincent SEGURA (directeur de thèse AGAP Institut DAAV)
