Wisser Randall

Wisser Randall

Directeur de Recherche Équipe MAGE

Faire progresser le domaine de la biologie végétale et de la sélection pour adapter les cultures au changement climatique

Dr. Wisser joined INRAE as a research director in 2020 where he currently leads a project on overcoming barriers to crop improvement. He obtained his PhD in Plant Breeding and Genetics at Cornell University (New York, USA) and was a USDA-AFRI postdoctoral fellow in quantitative genetics and plant pathology at North Carolina State University (North Carolina, USA). Dr. Wisser spent a decade leading a research and teaching program at the University of Delaware, where he now holds a joint appointment. His research has stretched across biological scales to investigate genetic diversity, adaptation, response to selection, and disease resistance, in addition to pedagogical contributions for active learning.

Using maize as a model and target crop, current themes include integration of ecophysiology and quantitative genetics, bypassing barriers to crop adaptation, convergence research to characterize phenotypic space, and the development of a virtual system for simulating evolution of genotype-by-environment effects.

Read more here : "Randall Wisser, the geneticist who combines AI and biodiversity"


Randall WISSER

Randall WISSER
Directeur de Recherche INRAE

Bureau : 2051

Mail : randall.wisser@inrae.fr